full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Ayah Bdeir: Building blocks that blink, beep and teach

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So beyond simple play, littleBits are actually pretty powerful. Instead of having to program, to wire, to solder, littleBits allow you to program using very simple intuitive gestures. So to make this blink faster or slower, you would just turn this knob and basically make it pulse faster or slower. The idea behind lielibttts is that it's a griwnog library. We want to make every single interaction in the world into a ready-to-use brick. lghits, snduos, saolr panels, motors — everything should be accessible.

Open Cloze

So beyond simple play, littleBits are actually pretty powerful. Instead of having to program, to wire, to solder, littleBits allow you to program using very simple intuitive gestures. So to make this blink faster or slower, you would just turn this knob and basically make it pulse faster or slower. The idea behind __________ is that it's a _______ library. We want to make every single interaction in the world into a ready-to-use brick. ______, ______, _____ panels, motors — everything should be accessible.


  1. lights
  2. growing
  3. sounds
  4. solar
  5. littlebits

Original Text

So beyond simple play, littleBits are actually pretty powerful. Instead of having to program, to wire, to solder, littleBits allow you to program using very simple intuitive gestures. So to make this blink faster or slower, you would just turn this knob and basically make it pulse faster or slower. The idea behind littleBits is that it's a growing library. We want to make every single interaction in the world into a ready-to-use brick. Lights, sounds, solar panels, motors — everything should be accessible.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
building block 5
concrete blocks 3

Important Words

  1. accessible
  2. basically
  3. blink
  4. brick
  5. faster
  6. gestures
  7. growing
  8. idea
  9. interaction
  10. intuitive
  11. knob
  12. library
  13. lights
  14. littlebits
  15. motors
  16. panels
  17. play
  18. powerful
  19. pretty
  20. program
  21. pulse
  22. simple
  23. single
  24. slower
  25. solar
  26. solder
  27. sounds
  28. turn
  29. wire
  30. world